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Cancer Registry Processes for Cancer Pathology Data in Canada
Authors Cancer Registry Process Mapping Task Force, a task force of the Canadian Council of Cancer Registries Most PTCR information collected is from provincial/territorial level health information systems that are…
Michigan Cancer Surveillance System: LexisNexis Linkage to Improve SSN and Vital Status Information
A spotlight on the Michigan Cancer Surveillance Program Spotlight on Registries is a new feature that highlights a registry’s special activities or achievements. The Narrative spotlights the Michigan Cancer Surveillance…
NAACCR’s Data Security and Confidentiality Issues Website
Check out resources available on NAACCR’s data security and confidentiality issues website. Authors Heather Zimmerman Data Security and Confidentiality Workgroup Over the last two years, the Data Security and Confidentiality…
Revamping CNS Tumor Reporting for Accuracy
Authors Corey Neff, Central Brain Tumor Registry of the United States Quinn T. Ostrom, Central Brain Tumor Registry of the United States Carol Kruchko, Central Brain Tumor Registry of the…
Mid-Level Tactical Group Reviews Change Requests to Data Standards
The Mid-Level Tactical Group (MLTG) is a collaborative body of cancer registry standard setters led by representatives from CDC NPCR and NCI SEER and coordinated by NAACCR. Other member organizations…
David O’Brien of Alaska Cancer Registry on Succession Planning
Even cancer registries need to have a succession plan in place. You are a cancer registry manager, and your data analyst of 24 years tells you they are planning on…
Massachusetts Cancer Registry Releases Updated Childhood Cancer Report
The latest report on childhood cancer in Massachusetts spans from 2009 to 2018. The Massachusetts Cancer Registry (MCR) is pleased to announce the release of its latest report on childhood…
Transitioning the Annotated Histology List to Cancer PathCHART
Authors Richard Moldwin, MD, PhD, Lead Physician Informaticist College of American Pathologists Michelle Esterly, RHIA, CTR, Katmai Government Services Contractor to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of…
Data Modernization in Action: Childhood Cancer Survivorship, Treatment, Access, and Research (STAR) Act
The STAR Project is part of the CDC’s bigger picture for data modernization. The Childhood Cancer Survivorship, Treatment, Access, and Research (STAR) Act is designed to advance understanding and care…