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Meet Our New Ohio Registry Manager, Emily Bunt

Join us in welcoming Bunt to the NAACCR community. Member: Emily Bunt Organization: Ohio Department of Health Role: Registry Manager for the Ohio Cancer Incidence Surveillance System Please join us…


CiNA Writing Network Workgroup Seeks Members!

The CiNA Writing Network is a new Research & Data Use workgroup! This workgroup will oversee methods and research papers using CiNA data. The workgroup will consist of five members…


CiNA Statistics and CiNA*Explorer Update

In June 2024, the 2017-2021 CiNA cancer statistics were updated in CiNA*Explorer: https://apps.naaccr.org/explorer. This update reflects the final migration from our historic, flagship product (the CiNA Monographs) to the CiNA*Explorer…


NAACCR Education and Training Upcoming Events

NAACCR ODS Exam Prep and Review We are in the middle of our summer session of the NAACCR ODS Exam Prep webinar series. Our fall session is tentatively scheduled to…


NAACCR at NCRA’s Annual Conference

NAACCR at NCRA’s Annual Conference Angela Martin, ODS-C Trainer/Project Coordinator [email protected] What a great trip it was to attend the National Cancer Registrars Association Annual Conference! We had several NAACCR…


NAACCR participation at the NCRA Annual Conference 2024

Last April, the National Cancer Registrars Association held its 50th Annual Educational Conference, in Indianapolis, Indiana, with the goal to discuss critical cancer registry topics and help registrars stay current….


NAACCR Board of Directors Spearheads Review of NAACCR Certification Standards

Since 1998, NAACCR has evaluated annual data submissions from central cancer registries as part of the NAACCR certification process. Over the past 25 years, central registries have made enormous progress…


NAACCR Participates in the USCDI+ Cancer Research Data Exchange Summit

On May 8th and 9th, the U.S. Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) and other federal agencies, including the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and Centers for…


Cancer Surveillance Change Management Timeline Assessment

The Mid-Level Tactical Group (MLTG) manages the cancer surveillance change control process assessing proposed additions, deletions, and revisions of data standards to ensure an efficient and timely change management process….


NAACCR Data Release Guidelines Published!

What are best practices for deciding when to release cancer registry data to researchers? Which type of inter-institutional agreements might be required? How should your registry handle cases reported solely…