Central cancer registries play a foundational role in cancer surveillance and research. NAACCR members are composed of registries that help standards and guidelines ensure data uniformity and quality. These registries collect, analyze, and disseminate vital cancer data, enabling researchers, policymakers, and healthcare providers to gain insights into cancer incidence, mortality, and trends.
ARTICLES > Registries
VPR in the News
The VPR continues to facilitate linkages between existing study cohorts and high-quality registry data for ascertaining cancer outcomes among study…
New Edits Promote Enhanced Quality
The NAACCR Edits Work Group has developed a new group of edits for central registry use, identified as QC_Chk (quality…
NAACCR Board of Directors Spearheads Review of NAACCR Certification Standards
Since 1998, NAACCR has evaluated annual data submissions from central cancer registries as part of the NAACCR certification process. Over…
Looking Ahead: Changes Approved for 2025 Registry Data Standards
The High-Level Strategic Group (HLSG) voted earlier this month to approve changes to the NAACCR Data Standards and Data Dictionary…
VPR: Leveraging Registry Data for World Trade Center Studies
Since inviting the next round of investigators to utilize NAACCR’s Virtual Pooled Registry Cancer Linkage System (VPR-CLS), six studies have…
Share Your Thoughts at NAACCR’s Strategic Plan Town Hall
NAACCR’s Strategic Management Plan Work Group (SMP WG) will be holding a Town Hall on Wednesday, March 27, from 3-4…
VPR: Facilitating Primary and Secondary Sharing of Cancer Registry Data
Cancer registries participating in the Virtual Pooled Registry Cancer Linkage System (VPR) routinely release cancer information for inclusion in and…