The VPR continues to facilitate linkages between existing study cohorts and high-quality registry data for ascertaining cancer outcomes among study participants. To date in 2024, seven linkages have occurred, and seven additional studies are in the queue. The VPR has experienced a great deal of growth and success since its infancy, thanks to the contributions of participating registries, NCI, IMS, and an array of researchers and key stakeholders. We are pleased to announce that an article entitled, “Virtual Pooled Registry-Cancer Linkage System: An Improved Method for Ascertaining Cancer Diagnoses” was recently published in the JNCI Monograph celebrating the SEER 50th anniversary. Access a free-to-view link here: Please share within your networks.
JNCI Monograph just published a SEER 50th anniversary edition with numerous articles celebrating the work of the SEER Program as it has evolved since 1973.
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