S&RD Creates New Task Force for Inter-Registry Data Exchange


Standardization and Registry development is one of the priority areas of the NAACCR Strategic Management Plan. One of the goals of the Standardization and Registry Development Steering Committee (S&RD SC) is to establish consensus standards and best practices for the collection and processing of cancer and patient information. One of the objectives of this goal is to ensure the current standards and registry operations documents are current and relevant. The S&RD SC has established a schedule to review all standards and registry operations documents with no more than a five-year interval between reviews.

In 2001, the first version of the Interstate Data Exchange Guidelines was developed and implemented, with an update released in 2019. Recently the S&RD SC approved a charter to convene a task force to review and update the Interstate Data Exchange Guidelines and its related resources. The task force name and the title of the guidelines will move towards current practices with the terminology change from Interstate to Inter-Registry. The Inter-Registry Data Exchange Task Force will focus on reviewing and updating the Interstate Data Exchange Guidelines and related resources with a focus on data quality, edits, timeliness, automation and integrating the work that has been done with the inter-registry data sharing agreement. This task force will also consider the recommendations from the Interstate Case Ownership Task Force report.

Get Involved!

Given that the S&RD SC approved the Inter-Registry Data Exchange Task Force charter, the SC will begin soliciting volunteers to participate on the task force as well as identifying a chair or co-chairs. This group will meet for 90 minutes once a month until the task is completed. All meetings will be conducted using Zoom. If you or one of your colleagues manage inter-registry data exchange or work with inter-registry data within your registry, please consider participating in the TF and contact Lori Havener.

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