New Workgroup Gears Up to Address Data Quality Issues With Geocoded Data


Health disparities are well documented using cancer registry data. And cancer registry data are essential to the evidence-based solutions approach of health equity research. Because health equity research evaluates the social, economic, and environmental factors resulting in health differences, geospatial analysis of cancer registry data is fundamental to these investigations.

A geospatial approach can be also used to target areas for cancer control programs, develop and test hypotheses about cancer risk, and map cancer outcomes along the cancer continuum to increase public awareness. However, a key element hindering applicability and interpretation of applying a geospatial approach to the analysis of cancer registry data is the underlying data quality of the geocoded data.

A recent evaluation of CiNA data identified that geocoding operations at most registries do not include manual review. This results in a high percentage of poorly geocoded cases. Because geocoding quality is closely tied to case demographics, the potential for biased results is high—often resulting in Type II error and, in some cases, reversed associations. It is critical that high quality data are available so that results are as accurate and interpretable as possible.

For many years, the Research And Data Use Steering Committee has had a Geocoding Technical Work Group. This work group (WG) provided technical oversite to our previous geocoder as well as addressed issues with geocoding quality. With the switch to Geocodio, this WG has been overhauled to focus solely on issues related to geocoding and quality of the geocoded data. Dr. Furrina Lee from the New York State Cancer Registry has graciously agreed to chair this WG (renamed Geocoding Data Quality Work Group). We are currently recruiting additional members.

If you are interested in joining the Geocoding Data Quality WG, please email [email protected].

If you are interested in keeping up to date with any potential updates to Geocodio as well as the progress of this WG, please add yourself to the NAACCR Geocoder Listserv (also by emailing [email protected]).

Email Recinda Sherman to join the NAACCR Geocoding Listserv to be informed of any updates regarding geocoding and/or volunteer for the new Geocoding Data Quality WG!

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