A message from Winny Roshala, NAACCR past president
This “President’s Message” will be a joint effort by me as the Outgoing President and the new NAACCR President, Wendy Aldinger, Director of the Pennsylvania Cancer Registry.
I just wanted to thank you all for allowing me to serve you these past two years. It has been such an honor to work with a Board that faced unprecedented challenges but made tough decisions, that we felt were in the best interest of the NAACCR membership. We stood united, shoulder to shoulder, to continue to move forward! I thank them all for their selfless dedication. Thank you all for such an incredible, albeit unexpected journey.
Much time and careful, thoughtful deliberation was spent these past two years on developing the foundation for the NAACCR Strategic Priorities and Initiatives for 2023-2027. I know there are exciting times ahead for NAACCR.
Celebrating Resilience and Recovery
The culmination of finally having the first NAACCR in-person conference in four years was truly an amazing event! Hosted by the Louisiana Tumor Registry, with the theme of “Resilience and Recovery: Charting the Path Forward for Cancer Surveillance,” the conference began with a rousing opening ceremony by the Mardi Gras Indian performers. Their energy in sound and dance was so unique and special to set the tone for our conference.
Over 350 people attended the conference, with 81 first-time attendees. The theme truly reflected our trials and tribulations, leading to the in-person conference comeback! It was wonderful to see so many current and past members in attendance, with more of a reunion feel! The conference content was rich with topics for both operations and research perspectives. There was something for everyone! The Mentorship breakfast and Birds of a Feather session were both packed with attendees and provided an interactive, engaging, and enlightening session. It was SO great to see friends and colleagues again. Many thanks to all who worked so diligently to provide us with an amazing NAACCR Conference experience!
New Leadership and Opportunities
As I pass the gavel on to Wendy, I look forward to supporting her and the Board’s initiatives. Under Wendy’s leadership as NAACCR President, the future opportunities for NAACCR look amazing!
Thank you all for such an incredible experience!
Winny Roshala, BA, CTR
NAACCR Past President
A Message From Wendy Aldinger, RHIA, CTR, NAACCR President
I hope you are having a great summer. I want to thank Winny Roshala for her leadership these last two years. With her guidance, the NAACCR Board, along with the Steering Committee chairs, the Strategic Management Plan Workgroup and NAACCR staff have developed the Strategic Priorities and Initiatives for 2023-2027. These Priorities and Initiatives will be the road map to guide NAACCR to meet the current and future needs of the cancer surveillance community. Stay tuned for more details on the Priorities and Initiatives and ways you can help in future issues of the NAACCR Narrative.
I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve as the NAACCR President for the next two years. Our goal will be to take action on the priorities. I look forward to working with all of you and want to thank the 2023-2024 NAACCR Board Members for their willingness to serve:
- Past President- Winny Roshala, Cancer Registry of Greater California
- Treasurer- Kevin Ward, Georgia Cancer Registry
- Advisory Board Member- Lori Swain, NCRA
Representatives at Large
- Monique Hernandez, Florida Cancer Data System
- Lihua Liu, Los Angeles Cancer Surveillance Program
- Lori Koch, Illinois State Cancer Registry
- Joshua Mazuryk, Ontario Cancer Registry
- Bozena Morawski, Cancer Registry of Idaho
- Sarah Nash, MPH, State Health Registry of Iowa
I am so sorry I was not able to attend the Annual Conference. I miss you all and can’t wait to see you in Boise next year. The Board and I are here for you, please reach out at any time. I am looking forward to all we can accomplish.
Wendy Aldinger, RHIA, CTR
NAACCR President
Pennsylvania Cancer Registry
NAACCR leadership is developing priorities and initiatives that will be the road map for the future needs of the cancer surveillance community.
Tags: Featured, President's Message, Summer 2023
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