NAACCR Weighs in on USCDI+ Cancer Registry Use Case Development


The U.S. Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) recently invited NAACCR to participate in its development of a United States Core Data for Interoperability Plus (USCDI+) use case for cancer registries. This work is part of a larger effort to develop use cases for cancer clinical trials and cancer research and will culminate in a Cancer Data Exchange Summit in May.

While participation was initially limited to federal government staff, including CDC and NCI, NAACCR was invited in late February to join the effort on behalf of U.S. central cancer registries. Lori Havener, Stephanie Hill, Jenna Deniaud and Karen Knight have represented NAACCR.

USCDI+ is intended to expand the core items required for EHR certification in USCDI to meet the needs of special interest groups. The group has drafted a use case with the purpose of increasing timely reporting to central cancer registries. They are discussing what data items to include and whether to limit the list, at least initially, to those necessary for an “early” incidence report. Recent meetings have involved mapping the current versus future state workflow for reporting, processing and publishing cancer data. The facilitators are interested in learning about the current gaps and bottlenecks that USCDI+ may be able to address. A good portion of the discussion has involved explaining the complexity of reporting from a variety of sources with different capabilities, processing, consolidation and quality assurance.

The Data Summit in May will continue the development of all of the cancer use cases.

If you have any questions about this effort, please contact Karen Knight at [email protected].

Visit USCDI+ to learn more.

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