NAACCR Launches New Interoperability Resources Webpage


Streamline your understanding of interoperability in healthcare, public health, and research with NAACCR’s new webpage. Find links to standards, policies, training resources and more.

Interoperability initiatives between healthcare, public health and research are advancing at a rapid pace. Keeping up with the various initiatives, standards and terms can be overwhelming! This week, NAACCR launched an interoperability resources webpage to provide one location for a variety of links to interoperability standards, policies, blogs and training resources. Topics range from the United States Core Data Standards for Interoperability (USCDI) and relevant Health-Level 7 (HL7) standards to the Health Data, Technology, and Interoperability Final rule updated in December 2023. Links to selected recorded meetings are also included. With U.S. certification criteria of electronic health records (EHR) requiring the use of USCDI, it will be helpful to understand a bit about these standards and what data elements will be available in certified EHRs to both hospital and central registries.

If you are new to the topic of interoperability, our CDC colleagues provided a fantastic introduction via NAACCR Talks in November and January. The recordings, slides and terms list can be found here.

This page will be updated as needed. If you have questions or suggested additions to the page, please contact Karen Knight.

Please take a few minutes to visit the NAACCR interoperability resources webpage, peruse a few of the links, and bookmark for future reference.

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